Spring Break is coming up and I am really excited. I like vacations the most because I get to stay home and do things that I like to do. One thing that I do is play Call of Duty. I am trying to get all the gold camouflage for all my gins and I am looking forward to playing basketball in the park. Another thing I do on vacations is play with my younger brother. Sometimes we play the ps3 or go to the park and play sports. Another thing we do is watch TV. We play soccer or basketball. Sometimes we toss a football around. 
    Sometimes my friends and I play Call of Duty Black Ops 2. We invite a lot of people and we go into war. My friends and I started a clan. The only people that are aloud in is if they are our friends in school. I am pretty good at Call of Duty but my friends are a lot better than me. They are so good that they have completed most of the challenges in the game. Sometimes I play a one vs one with a friend or with some random person online. 

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