      Today I am going to blog about if Santa is real. I do believe in Santa Clause. How would we get our presents from him on Christmas day. My teacher wanted us to read an article called The Physics of Santa Clause. I will admit that it was kinda funny. The article was explaining why Santa could not be real. One of the examples was that reindeer could not fly. Another reason was that no one could deliver presents in one night. No one can do that. I believe that Santa is real and could do that. Who besides Santa would give presents to all of us?
    I believe Santa is real. I don't care what that article says, he is real. Although some parts of that article are making me think twice about my thoughts. Some of that article was true. It said that reindeer's can not fly and that is true. If Santa Clause doesn't give us our presents then who does. There was this one time when I was 4 or 5 snow was covering our tree and it was on the floor too. That was the thing that made me believe in Santa. There was this other time when the door was open on Christmas. My mom locked it no one could get in.  

    DNA is replicated in a process that I recently learned in science. First cells create two Daughter Cells. Then they cut in to two halves. This happens two both of the Daughter Cells. The last thing that happens is that the two halves combine with the other halve. After this process DNA is replicated in to two. A day or two my science class had to write down on a piece of paper what we know about this process. I explained in as much detail as I could on that paper. After that I had to take a long test on some videos and what we know on DNA. In that test was also questions about brain pop videos about DNA, cells, and photosythesis. 

    Today I am going to blog about DNA and the DNA structure. I am currently learning about DNA and its structure. In my science class we used a special kind of legos. After we build the structure she tells us about some parts of the cell. Yesterday we built two that represent the DNA from both parents. Monday she told us about the first one we built. She told us about the sugar and other stuff too. Later she told us about the double helix. She told us that six different scientist had a part in the double helix discovery. The first one was James Watson and others that I can not remember right now. Rosalind Franklin was one of the scientist and had more to do with it. She also discovered two other types of DNA. My science teacher made us watch a movie on this for a report that we had to do.
            This science taught me a lot. My science teacher told us a lot about the cell.