    The hardest math that I had to learn was division. When I was in the third grade I had to learn it. It was hard because my teacher didn't explain it that much. He just gave us the paper and expected me to know it. After a long time I learned it. I was the second fast's person to finish the time worksheet things. After the first quarter he finally explained. In the first quarter I had to ask my mom for help. She helped me with my homework and some other stuff about division I had to do. She has to help my sister now. My sister is in the 4th or 5th grade and she cant do division. I have to help her somtimes when I come home from school or basketball practice

    Today I am going to explain two possible ways to solve the Pathageron Theorum. Pathageron Theorum was a little hard for me at first, but overtime I got good at this. One way to solve  Pathageron Theorum is the way I had to learn it. I don't remember exactly what my math teacher told me, but I am going to explain as best as I could. First of all you can only do Pathageron Theorum  on a triangle. Then you label all three sides of the triangle.