Last week I was playing my favorite game, Black Ops 2. I was playing my favorite game mode, Demolition. I was playing with my friends and I was doing really good. I was about to level up and unlock a secret camo in the game for my weapons. Everything was going great until it happened. A player joined the game with a very complicated name. He was probably the worst player in the game. He kept dying and getting mad. When all of a sudden he was the greatest player in the game. He kept getting head shot after head shot and he was getting tons of kills. He said I was a good player and sent me a friend request. I denied and he was really mad. He sent me another one and I denied again. He sent me one more and this one was weird. I opened this one and my ps3 froze. 
     After my ps3 froze it started making weird noises like beeps and bloops. I was scared and kept pressing buttons to make it stop. After about five minutes it stopped. I was hacked! I was so mad. I knew I was hacked because he sent me messages saying that he hacked me. Also I couldn't move my ps3. I had to unplug it. 
5/31/2013 03:04:52 am

That stinks. One time I got hacked, and I sent the hacker's name to Microsoft. The guy unhacked me and he was banned from Xbox live for three years.


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